The IT Outsourcing Industry in Times of Corona Virus Disease

IT outsourcing industry times coronavirus disease

The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly impacted domestic and international businesses across the world. And major part of the IT sector has switched to remote work facility following the ongoing lockdowns or hand over the projects to Offshore Outsourcing Companies

. And this method has proven (slightly) effective in keeping their business alive and running.

So how are Offshore Outsourcing Companies dealing with the Pandemic?

The current circumstance is chaotic and IT outsourcing firms have invested their resources to implement remote work facilities for their employees. The newly implemented protocols is to meet the daily productivity, and this is coming from IT outsourcing firms who don’t let people work remotely.

The implemented steps taken by these offshore outsourcing companies to keep their business running and to meet productivity are as follows.

Remote Working Permit

The companies created a distributed network of workforce to work remotely (work from home). This ensures that employees remain in their homes working. This also meant that employees will not come in contact with public transportation systems or co-workers, slimming the chances for an infection. The social distancing and stay at home procedures will drastically cut down the COIVD-19 effects.

The prevention of people gathering in masses are also punishable which also seems highly beneficial to remote working.

Sick Employees are Encouraged to Stay Home

This decision is made to stop the spread if employees are found sick, especially with slight signs of the COVID-19 symptoms. The companies encourage this procedure so even though it can be particularly difficult for employees to follow, either because they have no sick leave or if they compellingly feel like they want to show up and tough it out.

No, that’s not the way it is done currently with these companies though. If an employee is found to be sick, during this tough time, they strongly advise the affected person(s) to reconsider coming to work or stay in the safety of their homes and to protect the other employees through non-punitive leave policies.

And for this, every company is strictly following disease monitoring, by using temperature measuring devices, scheduled sanitization, strict wearing of facemasks by employees, hourly hand wash practice, etc. With detection measures in place, it is highly unlikely for a sick employee to get unnoticed.

Control on Business Travels

The current situation demands IT employees from travelling for business purposes. This is mandatory as it have to be followed by the company first. Only if it’s unavoidable should a company send their employee for business travel. And it should not be done lightly as the company should articulate it and offer additional support to the employee who is going to travel. And the employee should never be pressured into making the trip if he/she is feeling uncomfortable to travel, in anyway – physical or mental. The current travel bans now fully restricts any type of travel as well, unless emergency.

Leadership Training

The top tier employees are being properly trained with respect to work hour ethics. The managers or leaders are now required to be sensible with employees, with the remote working facility, as to how they should respect when workers need to be available – and when they don’t.

Asks, business-critical employees and team leaders are maintained and nurtured to ensure the IT company’s business continuity. They are also trained to be perfectly prepared for every scenario, and with every latest tools and technologies to have a successful and hassle-free remote working experience for the company and themselves.

Training Employees with Modern Digital Skills and Tools

The remote working facility comes with major challenges, esp. with network connectivity issues, PC, issues, or any other issues that will affect the work. So before implementing this concept the IT companies have already set them up with the best training with modern digital skills and tools (real-time video conferencing apps).

The collaboration platforms are extensively used by the world’s IT sector nowadays, to counter the situation and in maintaining their business continuity.

Even new and innovative tools/technologies are being imparted to them for better remote working productivity and efficiency. This will also help them in learning and exercising new digital skills, the different cultural shift and its culture to counter any unfortunate or unexpected incidents from the pandemic situation.

The COVID-19 pandemic is threatening, no matter how it is being looked at. However, the prompt thoughtfulness and precautions taken by the (offshore) outsourcing IT industry has made for a cleaner process and controlled scenario, and in maintaining their business. The steps taken to keep their teams safe and safe and healthy is appreciated. With everything made operational through the digital space and discouraging everything physical, it is sure that remotely working has proven massively effective against the global crisis.

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